Graphic designers and visual artists use their unique mix of talents to visualize Bible stories in beautiful ways that texts and words alone don’t. Throughout the history of art, many great artists have been inspired by stories in the Bible. (cf. Visual artists today use a...
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Twitter has become a fertile digital space for creativity since its launch in March 2006. The convention of using @ with a Twitter handle for replies and mentions emerged over a year later; and the convention of using # for hashtags as a label for topics of twitter conversations didn’t become...
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In the world today, there are thousands of languages being used, with a majority of them not yet on the Internet. And the Bible is not yet translated into many of those languages either.
First, consider just how many languages are being used in the world today....
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The instructions to “make disciples” are clear from Jesus Christ’s words in Matthew 28:19. From the immediate context of Matthew 28:19-20, the making of a disciple includes baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything” that Christ has commanded. Dallas Willard succinctly defined a disciple as: “a person who...
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Usually the word innovation gets used for digital technologies, but innovation can describe all kinds of other categories of culture-making, even the printed book.
Adam Lewis Greene is bringing his experience as a graphic artist in book design and illustration to the Holy Bible, and using the...
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The most creative ideas for evangelism on the Internet have yet to be thought of or imagined. One of the most creative online outreaches was run recently for an American holiday by an Australian named Pete Chapman.
Pete Chapman posted his evangelistic project “One Million Bible Verses...
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