Just the Top Bible Websites, Plain and Simple
Bible websites make the Word of God widely available to all people around the world (this article continues the blog series, 66 Ideas for .BIBLE Domain Names, and this is Idea #13, for those of you keeping score at home.) The most valuable resource for all humanity has become that much more accessible on the internet!
But what are the top Bible websites on the Internet? Does a top list refer to its popularity, its quality, or something else? Putting together a list of the top Bible websites is somewhat subjective, selecting a set of criteria to evaluate features, functions, designs, and usability. And that can stir up some contention and competition, and we don’t want that.
Another way to compile a websites list is based on the most traffic*. Before the list is revealed, let’s see if you know the logos of the 20 popular Bible websites: (answers will be listed below, row by row from left to right)
And for the reveal… the 20 most popular Bible websites with a very brief description:
- biblegateway.com - providing the Bible online for over 20 years, currently with over 70 languages and 180 versions (a division of The Zondervan Corporation)
- biblehub.com - provides quick access to many Bible versions and multiple languages, topical studies, interlinears, sermons, commentaries (a production of the Online Parallel Bible Project)
- biblestudytools.com - with multiple Bible versions in English and a large resource library for in-depth Bible study (Salem Web Network)
- kingjamesbibleonline.org - the King James Version of the Bible; the most popular website for the most popular version
- bible.com - home for YouVersion and the Bible app (Life.Church)
- bible.org - home of the NET Bible (New English Translation), “where the world comes to study the Bible”
- blueletterbible.org - with multiple versions of the Bible, linked with Bible-centered study aids and courses (a ministry of Sowing Circle)
- biblia.com - “Bible Study Online” (a service of Faithlife / Logos Bible Software)
- youversion.com - “a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God’s Word into your daily life,” links to Bible.com
- esvbible.org - English Standard Version of the Bible by Crossway—an “essentially literal” translation of the Bible in contemporary English
- Bible.oremus.org - the Bible and prayer resources used in the Church of England and in the wider Anglican Communion and elsewhere
- EasyEnglish .Bible - EasyEnglish is clear and simple English (vocabulary with a smaller word count), developed by MissionAssist
- ebible.com - “eBible aims to capture all the answers, to all the questions, about all the verses in the Bible.”
- bible.is - “Bringing the Bible to everyone in the world in their heart language, in text and audio, free of charge”, a ministry of Faith Comes By Hearing
- O-bible.com - the Bible in English and Chinese (GB and Big5)
- biblez.com - Bible website with “Zip Search With AutoComplete,” part of the BibleHub.com suite
- mybible.com - nice visually-designed online Bible and Bible verses with Facebook covers and images for social sharing
- ebible.org - links to an online study Bible by Digital Bible Society with robust UX and other Bible resources
- kingjamesbible.com - provides the King James Bible in HTML, viewable and downloadable, by JohnHurt.com
- bibles.org - many Bible versions and languages, with desktop and mobile websites, provided by American Bible Society, and free Bible tools (widget, highlighter, API) to bring the Bible to your audiences
With the Internet being world wide and many other languages besides English, surely there are many more websites online making the Bible freely available. Two of the newest Bible websites that are worth mentioning—mystudybible.com and lumina.bible.org will be gaining more visitors and users as the good news spreads. Plus, there are certainly many other Bible websites with Bible software, apps, content, study materials, videos, media, and so on; though the list here is primarily focused on just the Bible, plain and simple.
What Bible websites can you envision?
These are exciting times for the Internet around the world as the new developments related to .BIBLE domain names are launching to create the future of the internet. New technological developments open the door for creativity, innovation, and new possibilities. How are you inspired by the Creator who has created humans in His image to be creative like He is creative? For example, here's a wild idea. With personal technologies becoming a closer part of our digital lifestyles pretty much all the time, what could a smart website named something like RealTime.Bible do for people? Could personalization and customization be connected to timely relevance for just the right Bible verse at the right time? God can do far more than we can imagine!
ForAllThings.Bible Has Launched
[update 7/2017] ForAllThings.Bible has just launched as a showcase of useful and interesting Bible websites and apps! Browse the curated library of 120+ Bible websites and apps that help people everywhere engage with the Bible. Also see this list of top 30 Bible websites in 2019.
* website traffic research based on publicly-available data from sites like Similarweb.com, Compete.com, Alexa.com
This article is part of the blog series, 66 Ideas for .BIBLE Domain Names, with practical ideas for using .BIBLE domain names. Individuals and organizations can now register .BIBLE domain names that are more shareable, memorable, and meaningful at any accredited registrar.