A Pilgrimage with Jesus
As Lenten season begins and, while Lent isn’t in the Bible, prayer, fasting, and spiritual preparation is seen over and over again in the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation.
Seen primarily as a Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox practice, Lent has been observed historically by many protestant denominations. Returning to the church’s roots, many evangelicals now practice Lent while they seek to be transformed by the Holy Spirit.
As described by anglican pastor Aaron Damiani, Lent is:
“...a season of spiritual devotion with roots in Jewish worship, the teachings of Jesus, and the practices of the apostles and early church. The Reformation-era critique of Lent as it was observed in Medieval Europe was much needed. The solution, however, is not to cast aside Lent entirely, but to reform our practices so that they align with Scripture. This season of repentance is a gift to all Christians, and good medicine for the modern church.”
There are countless ways to observe Lent. We invite you to journey with us by downloading the free devotional, A Lenten Pilgrimage with Jesus from American Bible Society. Reflect on our Redeemer by reading through these weekly Lenten devotionals sent right to your inbox.
And it’s never too late to begin your Lenten practice. Whether you begin your reflections on Ash Wednesday or the week before Easter, any amount of days invested in this spiritual practice will produce fruit!
“Lent is a season of sober, realistic reflection on our own lives and our need for a Savior.”
Noel Piper, wife of protestant pastor, John Piper
What are some of your Lenten practices? Leave us a comment and share your experience!
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