Posted on November 11, 2018

Are Americans Curious About The Bible?

Posted on November 11, 2018 by .BIBLE Registry Categories: Online Presence, Spiritual

Did you know 155,000,000 Americans are curious about the Bible and believe things in their lives can be better? And even those who don’t look to the scriptures for answers are open to trying?

What are we doing with this opportunity?

This is the question asked by the Look Inside Collective, which equips faith leaders to serve curious people in their communities and congregations with data-driven insights.

Found at Collective.Bible, Look Inside has partnered with Barna and American Bible Society for a 7-year study to discover the Bible perceptions of Americans, as well as their habits related to the scriptures. From that data, Look Inside provides insights for church leaders and answers for the skeptics.

One great section of the site is a compilation of the most-asked questions related to the Bible with short, relatable, text and video-driven answers. For instance:

  • What does the Bible say about refugees?
  • What does the Bible say about depression?
  • Why is the Bible so boring?
  • What does the Bible say about drinking?

In addition to this innovative way of answering Bible FAQs, Look Inside has done its homework researching trends that relate to America’s biggest cities.

Church leaders who want to reach these curious people can download a State of the City report and discover their city’s Bible engagement, curiosity, and perspective with helpful graphs and data. Helpful sections include Biggest Objections to Christianity and Frustrations when Reading the Bible.

Look Inside also has helpful data and information for leaders who want to:

  • Know their neighbors
  • Activate their congregation
  • Increase church attendance
  • Increase generosity
  • Connect with a new generation
  • Transform their community

Look Inside is “a diverse group who believe that, when engaged thoughtfully, the Bible can be one of the most exciting, surprising, and life-giving books in the world.”

They’ve invited us to decide for ourselves…by taking a Look Inside. Check out today!

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