Free Bibles for Kanye West Fans at
American rapper & songwriter Kanye West has sparked the interest of thousands about Jesus Christ with his new album release, "Jesus is King" and the "Sunday Service" tour in various locations around the country. Plus, American Bible Society is giving away free Bibles to encourage people in the faith. Watch the video of an interview with Dr. John Farquhar Plake of American Bible Society talking about this recent event.
If you're wondering what version or translation of the Bible is being distributed, here's the 411 from this article, " Free 'Bibles for Kanye fans': Group makes offer after 'Jesus Is King' has many searching"—

American Bible Society wants to give that same opportunity to those who've heard the album and are interested in the faith. The ministry, which was started in 1816, launched "Bibles for Kanye Fans" to "aid those with questions by offering free access to the Bible," giving away up to 1,000 copies of the Good News Translation for free.
"When we saw an influential cultural figure like Kanye inspiring young people to curiously seek out answers to their faith questions, we saw that as an opportunity to do what we do best as an organization: to provide God's word and point people to it as a source to their questions about faith," Dr. John Farquhar Plake, the organization's director of ministry intelligence, told Fox News.
American Bible Society's annual "State of the Bible" survey found that 61 percent of millennials and 58 percent of Gen Zers said they're curious about the Bible and half of the unchurched people said they are curious as well to know what the Bible actually says.
Plake added, "Kanye's album just points to this cultural curiosity and we're happy to stand in the gap and say if you're curious about the Bible, we want to provide one to you."
Anyone in the U.S. interested in receiving a Bible – completely free of charge – can do so by filling out the form at this link:
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