Seven Stories To Remember This Christmas
During the holiday season, it’s exciting to engage with familiar verses and stories from scripture. It’s the perfect time to absorb the narrative that is Jesus’ birth and childhood: the coming of the Messiah.
These seven stories remind us His first twelve years on earth, and His position as the Son of God. Luke focuses on the pivotal reason for Jesus’ birth – to bring salvation to the world.
- The angel announces the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25)
- The angel announces the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
- Mary visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56)
- The birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:57-80)
- The birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-20)
- Jesus’ circumcision and presentation (Luke 2:21-40)
- Twelve-year old Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
Plan to sit down with your family during the holidays and read through these pivotal stories. Enrich your experience by talking through some age-appropriate questions that will bring the stories and season to life.
Questions For Young Children
- Why did Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth and go to Bethlehem?
- Where did Mary and Joseph stay when they arrived in Bethlehem?
- How did the shepherds react when they saw the angel?
- How did the angel describe the Christ Child?
- After the angels left, what did the shepherds do?
Questions For Teens and Adults
- What do you think it means that God used shepherds to pronounce the greatest “birth announcement” in the world?
- According to the angel’s message to the shepherds, Jesus’ birth would bring peace “to everyone who pleases God.” What are some tangible ways we can bring peace to others?
- The shepherds were afraid when they saw the angel. Aside from surprise, where did their fear come from? How have you overcome fear in your life?
- How does the story of Jesus’ birth give you hope?
Discussion Questions
- We know the ultimate gift of the season was the provision of Jesus, a Savior. Discuss with your family how you can reflect Jesus as you give and receive gifts.
- God saw it fit for the angels to announce the Messiah’s birth to the shepherds. He chose these lowly workers to be among the first to see the Chosen One; He wanted to least to know that the best was here. In your life, where do you feel “the least?” How does God want you to have hope, be freed and embrace Him?
Which stories and questions resonate with you this season? Leave a comment and share your experience!
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