United Bible Societies (UBS) is currently involved with close to 600 translation projects covering nearly 500 languages. In this endeavor, UBS serves all Christian churches and cooperate with many different Christian organizations. Languages into which UBS translates the Scriptures vary from those spoken by a few thousand speakers to major national and international languages. Bible Societies support translation projects technically, administratively and financially.

The website will feature articles that share about the work of Bible translation, including stories like:

  • how translation consultants train translators with quality in mind
  • news about scholarly tools for the study and tralation of biblical texts
  • tools and resources being used for the production of the translation
  • raising awareness for people groups that do not have any translation of the Bible yet
  • why updates to Bible translations are regularly needed

Also, read this endorsement for .bible from Michael Perreau, General Secretary of United Bible Societies.