As Sweet as Ice Cream
Never has a website promoting scripture engagement looked so sweet.
The eye-popping Why.Bible site reminds us that God’s Word is a delight and a source of enjoyment, just like ice cream! With beautiful images and fun colors, this is the home of Wycliffe’s annual, global conversation about why the Bible matters in our lives. The site offers resources, articles, and even an e-book that reminds us how rich and exciting the Bible can be.
How To Read Scriptures 101
Why.Bible is passionate about Bible engagement. A download on the site offers an attractive and informative e-book that walks through 6 different ways to easily and consistently study the Bible. The methods vary, and readers are encouraged to find one that works for them. For example:
The SOAP Method:
- Scripture
- Observation
- Application
- Prayer
Young and old can benefit from these reminders to slow down and actively engage with God’s Word, and not just breeze through it.
Bible Translation Day
Every September, supporters across the world celebrate Bible Translation Day, where a light is shone on the power of scripture. It was made official in 1953, and takes place on the Feast of Jerome, September 30, as he was the first person to translate the entire Bible.
On the celebratory day, #WhyBible trends in translation circles, sharing stories about the impact of Scriptures in our lives, especially those who have been changed by reading the Word in their heart language.
Diving Deeper
And for those who want to deeper dive, there are articles and Bible videos, all promoting Bible study. There’s instruction on healthy practices like Praying Scripture Back to God and Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Less Exciting Parts of the Bible. There are also additional Bible study helps and solid devotionals offered, too.
Through the site, one is left motivated and encouraged to crack open the Bible and experience its sweetness.
What’s your Bible study method? Leave us a comment and share how you study the scriptures. We’d love to hear from you!
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