Conference about Bible and Technology in Seattle this April
Come to Seattle and explore the intersection of Bible and technology at this year’s BibleTech conference on April 11–12, 2019.
Learn about advances in biblical studies from over 25 leaders in the tech, Bible translation, and publishing industries. Plan on discovering new ways technological advances equip us to explore and share God’s Word.
Our Future.Bible co-hosts—Kenny Jahng and DJ Chuang—will be there and would love to connect with you! Also, Kenny will be making a presentation, "Seeing The Future Now: Examining the Glacial Pace of Digital Engagement with the Bible." Also in the speakers' lineup is Robert Rouse of Viz.Bible presenting, "The Graphé as a Graph."
Across 30 presentations, you’ll hear from Bible experts, publishers, and developers about new ways that technology is empowering how we share God’s Word and grow our faith. Some of the presentations will be lectures and others will be in-depth discussions. For a full list of speakers and topics, see the BibleTech conference site at
The conference is generously sponsored by Faithlife, the makers of Logos Bible Software; that means registration includes access to all presentations plus meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks, and reception on day 1 & breakfast, lunch and snacks on day 2)!
Register at and let us know you're coming so we can be sure to connect!