Posted on February 5, 2020

How to Get Noticed by Gen-Zers

Posted on February 5, 2020 by .BIBLE Registry Categories: Get Found, Online Presence, Social Media

Sometimes called the Centennials or iGen, Generation Z refers to individuals born between 1995 and 2010. These pre-teens and young adults have faint memories of a world without screens, and are fearless about conducting life online.

This demographic is full of qualified prospects, and it’s time to get creative about getting their attention. Do you need to post TikTok videos? Or start your own YouTube channel?

Read ahead and learn How To Get Noticed by Gen-Zers.

Get in front of them...and beside them.

The question of where they’re at is easier than ever: screens.

A decade ago, the bulk of your digital marketing strategy would have included purchasing ads on sites that are frequented by the youth. Fast forward to today, and Gen-Zers are prolific ad-blockers, as reported in the data from AdReaction’s study of Gens X, Y and Z. So how can you reach them online?

Develop a strategy that includes positioning your brand as a peer on digital platforms, which inevitably includes invitations to interact. You can simply ask individuals to comment on your post, or you can create a shared experience like a contest or challenge.

Where are the youth hanging out online? The mobile-central platform TikTok is taking the social media world by storm. As reported by Brandon Doyle at Wallaroo, TikTok’s active monthly users are reaching 800 million, ranking ahead of other sites like Twitter and Snapchat. YouTube is another power player, with almost 2 billion logged-in monthly users.

So whether you’re on TikTok, YouTube or Snapchat, cultivate your online persona so you can connect naturally and gain followers with the youth gen.

Strengthen your growth strategy with these 3 Blueprints For Outstanding Online Growth

Lighten Up + Brighten Up

Choose an online voice that’s welcoming and conversational. Like it or not, Gen-Zers are not overthinking their grammar and diction. In fact, they see formal use of language as insincere and overzealous. Lean on the side of “business casual” instead.

Brighten up your content with interesting and bold designs. This generation has seen beautiful art through a screen for as long as they can remember, and their taste for eye-catching images is only increasing. Add florals and ethnic elements to your creations, and for photography, be sure to get creative with filters and focus. Your work will be appreciated.

Pro Tip: Check out some creative trends for 2020 from experts at Shutterstock.

Exude Authenticity Online

Tap into the Gen-Zers’ non-negotiable demand for authenticity in its brands and partners. Quoted in Adweek, Jessica Klodnicki, the CMO of Skullcandy, says:

“In a new decade and during an election year, I believe our Gen Z consumers are going to crave even greater transparency, authenticity and social consciousness out of their brands of choice.”

As you curate your posts and plan your content, focus on material that can emphasize transparency, like behind-the-scenes posts or short, personal anecdotes. As discussed at Campaign Monitor, users won’t “settle for cookie-cutter content,” but original, sincere interactions. Genuine content will build your brand’s credibility and reputation.

Read more about building your brand with 8 Things That Have a Positive Impact on Sales.


For reaching the youth demographic, one practice is non-negotiable: make your online content mobile-friendly.

In a report entitled “Uniquely Generation Z” by BM Institute for Business Value, 75% of respondents selected a mobile phone or smartphone as their device of choice. There is no argument: your digital content must be available in a mobile-friendly manner.

On the mobile canvas, users expect short-form content eye-catching material, like beautiful photos. Don’t forget to apply the “lighten up” principle by personalizing the photos with stickers, effects, filters, and captions. These touches make your content less formal and more original, which is key for appealing to the younger generation.

Getting noticed by Z Generation can be a lot of fun, by approaching your interactions with a strategic but casual focus and tapping into your inner artist with stunning visuals. Apply some of these tips this week, and take note of the different demographics you’re reaching by getting beside your leads as well as getting in front of them.

What strategies have you applied to reach the youth demographic? Leave a message and share your success stories. We’d love to hear from you!