illumiNations.Bible Aims to Get the Bible into All Languages by 2033
illumiNations brings together ten Bible translation agencies to make a better coordinated effort that could eradicate Bible poverty. These are the Bible translation partners and resource partners that form this illumiNations alliance:
- American Bible Society
- Biblica
- Deaf Bible Society
- Lutheran Bible Translators
- Pioneer Bible Translators
- Seed Company
- United Bible Societies
- The Word For The WorldWycliffe
And, its new website design just relaunched at illuminations.bible makes it more engaging for visitors like you to join this movement of Bible translation.
Currently, 3,800 (out of the 6,300 languages that exist in the world) have little or no Scripture. You're invited to pray and support this movement to get all people access to God's Word by 2033. Here's the official announcement:
It's finally here!
We are excited to announce the launch of illumiNations' newly designed website: illuminations.bible! This site demonstrates the power of collaboration and unity that is at the heart of illumiNations, representing all ten Bible translation agencies that are part of the collective impact alliance.
Our new site has been redesigned with you in mind, with intuitive navigation and an interactive experience. Our desire is that every website visitor will be able to connect to this movement of Bible translation in a meaningful way.
Throughout the site, we have integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that will foster improved communication and the opportunity to be an advocate for those that do not yet have God's Word in the language they understand best. We will constantly be updating our content, so continue to visit for updates and impactful stories.
Also, please share with others, as together we work to eradicate Bible poverty!