Why people in the Bible are called characters

There are many people mentioned in the Bible and there is much that can be learned from their lives, learning from the things they did well or right as well as lessons from the actions they took that were bad, destructive or harmful. As described in this GotQuestions.org... Read More

How many Bibles are made for children?

Children are important to humans, to families, and to God in Jesus Christ. As it is written in the Gospel of Mark:

[Jesus] said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as... Read More

Bible Society leaders from around the world assemble to create the future


PHILADELPHIA, May 9, 2016—

Next week, leaders from some 140 Bible societies working in more than 200 countries and territories will converge on Philadelphia. Some 500 Christian leaders will attend the United Bible Societies’ World Assembly, a conference that occurs just... Read More

Looking at the Bible Through a Word Cloud

What can we learn from using a state-of-the-art data analysis tool, like a word cloud, with the text in the Bible? A word cloud is a visual representation of word frequency. The more often a word occurs within a body of text, the larger it appears in the word... Read More

The Bible for all peoples and multiethnic churches too

Recent current events have again surfaced the racial tensions in the United States and reveals how the racialized history of American society still leaves many issues unresolved. The statistical reality is that a majority of churches in America are segregated by race, with only 20% of churches have an attendance... Read More